Sunday, November 24, 2024

Episode 14 - Full Transcript



Coming up in Episode 14

Tim Beynon: Hello and welcome to the Charity show, the podcast for Charity Insiders by Charity Insiders. Please rate, follow or subscribe to us on your usual podcast platform. And here's what's coming up in episode 14.

Piers Townley: Thoughts and wishes go out to Davina, who we now know is doing okay. But yes, she underwent a, craniotomy and she has been in touch as a Charity, the Brain Tumour Charity. We have been supporting her. But yeah, a huge announcement that I think took a lot of the UK news by surprise. How often do people ask you about the 2003 World cup leis, Piers?

Tim Beynon: We, we had the 20th reunion in November. it was real eye opena so that actually we probably need to look after each other a bit better and that we came together as a, as a group of high performing, high achieving individuals in 03 to create a really good team under the guidance of Clive and the other coaches. But actually when we set foot in the real world and we went our separate ways, we were really useless.

Tim Beynon: So if anything positive can come out of criticised diagnosis, notby in government and working with amazing charities like Prostate Cancer UK to bring about real change that could save the lives of men across the country would be amazing.

Piers Townley: Hundred eighty million crypto users and an estimated 1.5 billion in cryptocurrency has been donated over the last few years to childithable causes.

Welcome to Episode 14

Tim Beynon: Hello and welcome to episode 14 of the Charity show with me, Tim Beynon head of marketing engagement at Fire Fighters Charity.

Piers Townley: And me, Piers Townley PR manager at the Brain Tumour Charity.

Tim Beynon: So Pier's got to say, first off, I mean, we've got a cracker of a show coming. Fact fantastic to have former England rugby captain and 2003 World cup winner Lewis Moody join us, which is, amazing. Got a fascinating interview with him coming up, especially because right now as we talk and as this, this episode comes out, he is crossing the Sahara on his latest charity challenge. So much more about that, a little bit later on. But first off, amazing, amazing to have him on the show. But before we get to that, before we get to Lewis, been a bit of an epic week for you, isn't it?

Davina McCall's brain tumour diagnosis

Lots and lots going on, especially in the wake of the horrible news, from Davina McCcoall. So tell us a bit about it. Have you caught your breath yet, pe?

Piers Townley: No, we haven't actually. But yeah, all our thoughts and wishes go out to Davina, who we, we now know is doing okay. But yes, she underwent, a craniotomy for Brain, surgery on assistst. And she has been in touch and as a Charity, the Brain Tumer Charity, we have been supporting her with our information and our support services, that we have there. But yeah, a huge announcement that I think took a lot of the UK news by surprise. But we saw such an outpouring of support, and of course you know, at the Charity, you know, behind supporting her we got a lot of that traffic, we got a lot of that interest and a lot of that love that you know, we passed on alongside all the, all the wider support for what she's going through. So yes, massive, massive news and massive, obviously shout out to Davina and Michael and all, everything they're going through but, you know, all looking good. So onwards and upwards for her and sending all our love. Alongside all the work we've been doing as a comms team and a wider Charity team with Devina's News, we've also had a really interesting and amazing support from two of the band members of the Wanted who are going to put on a one off gig in aid of the Brain Tumour Charity. And the gig is going to take place towards the end of February at Manchester in Manchester Cathedral, which is a wonderful venue as well. And the Brain Trum Mach Charity supported the band the Wanted for many, many years now. We were in touch and support, supported Tom Parker all the way through his glioastoma Brain Tumour diagnosis, a few years back now. And hu kept in touch, you know, behind the scenes with the band and with Max and Sieo and the two of them now are. I'll put it on this concert. So, yeah, all in all, a busy couple of weeks for us. How about you, Tim?

Tim Beynon: Yeah, well, not as busy, not as busy as you, but lots, lots going on there from a media perspective, especially if you, I must admit, as well. I must. I totally forgot the guy's name. I did also see, wasn't there a BBC journalist who is in the news as well this week because he. Because of his Brain Tumour?

Tim Beynon: It was my four of view when I read that.

Piers Townley: Yeah, Glenn Campbell, he's the BBC's Scotland political editor and back in 2023 he was diagnosed with a Brain Tumour. I can't actually pronounce this one. Oh, I will get this one one. So it begins with an no olio dendrolioma, I believe it is. So Glenn has shared his story and has made a documentary that aired last week. Now I have still available but I think on BBC Scotland and BBC iPlayer. All about his journey's diagnosis is treatment and his support for all the charities, particularly Brainumor Research and all the charities that are, working so hard there to drive up, treatment


Piers Townley: options and to faster diagnosis and just to highlight the devastating implications of such a diagnosis. But alongside other charities or the Brain Tumour charities out there, we also did some media work supporting Glenn and you know, again, best wishes sent out to Glenn and his team and his family as well as they. As they carry on.

Tim Beynon: So it's funny is that when these things happen, like the Davina News, I think she put a statement out, didn't she? And then it was everywhere really, really quick. So, so as a. As comms guys and M, you know, as comes professional. That's manic, isn't it? When those, when imagine your phone was ringing off the hook on that afternoon in terms of people wanting comment from the Charity. So do you enjoy those kind of. I kind of enjoy those kind of moments and you know, when it's, it's quite intense and you know, the phone'ringing off the hook. Do you get a buzz out of that sometimes?

Piers Townley: Well, it is the bread butter comms, isn't it? It's the bread and butter what we do as a PR team and actually you're representing the charity, so is the bread and butter what we do for the Charity as well. That level of responsibility as a team, that level of stress, it is addictive. It is. It's like being in an old. I mean we're both ex journalists, so it's like being back in the old newsrooms. so yes, it does give a buzz. It is, gives you meaning to what you do. but I wouldn't want that level of stress. I wouldn't want that level of working all the time. It's fine for burst. 24, 48 hours fine. Longer than that. It's hard work.

Tim Beynon: Yeah, I get it, I get that. I get that. Well, M. My week in comparison has been, has been quite quiet in terms of, in terms of media. Certainly we've not had anything breaking in the way that you guys have. But, interesting to week, it's our Charity AGM today actually, as we are talking to you, it's our agm, today going on at one of our centres up in, in Cumbria. and we've launched our annual report and accounts, today as well. And that's a bit of a funny one, isn't it, because it always sort of happens quite, quite a long time after the end of the financial year. So we look back on 23, 24 launching the annual reporting accounts. so it's that retrospective look back but also embodies a little bit sort of looking forward as well. I really, I quite enjoy putting that document together. I quite like doing that. It's, it's nice to be able to sort of reflect on what charities has achieved over the last year. Pulled together some nice case stories to support it and that kind of stuff. So quite proud of the annual report and accounts that we've produced this year. It's good to get that out there. Also're always really, really keen to see other charities and your reports and see charities that do it differently. Some guys go digital, some people, you know continue with print and traditional formats. But nice to see how people do things differently and so, you know it's good to be inspired by others in terms of things like that. One of those things that all chies have to do but there's different ways of doing it.

Tim Beynon: So.

Tim Beynon: Yeah.

Children In Need's epic night

And you report time of year again for us and then away from work. I've been blown away. I'm not sure you have as well. by children in need this year. It's such an amazing, such an incredible event and the total that they raised £39,210,850 in a day on the night. £6,000,000 more than last year. That's amazing. And I think the thing that staggers me with that is that we live in an age obviously where it's all about streaming TV isn't it? We keep increasingly told no one really watches, you know, broadcast telly anymore. It's Netflix, is Amazon Primeus, everything that's streaming. So all streaming is king. That's, that's so that's you know increasingly the way. But there's still obviously a place in this, in this world for the good old fashioned TV teleton. So I remember back in the day there were quite frequent. There's quite a lot of them going on for various various things. Children are need has lasted the test, test of time and's still going strong. But that is incredible isn'it almost 40 million quid on a good old fashioned TV telephone. So yeah, I like that amazing stuff.

Piers Townley: It is amazing. So amazing. It's an institution isn't it? Let's be honest. It's you know I remember it for growing up.

Tim Beynon: Yeah, absolutely. I must bit. I don't know how you feel though I do love the fact that it's an incredible charattity, amazing event. But the telly is a little bit cringey at times. Do you think? I don't know. I don't know whether it is because the.

Piers Townley: Some of it'hit and miss, isn't it? Yah, some of the sketches go canna.

Tim Beynon: Be a hit and miss maybe.

Tim Beynon: I think the presenters maybe try a little bit too hard sometimes. Bit of audience participation, kind of like, oh, a little bit, little bit cringe. But anyway, hats off to them. Amazing Charity. An incredible, incredible day.

Men's Health Month, Prostate cancer and Sir Chris Hoy's legacy

Piers Townley: Right then, let's take a look at some third sector news. What's caught your attention this week, Tim?

Tim Beynon: Gosh, this is, this is something that's sort of really struck me over, over the last couple weeks. Last month, month or so really. And it's a little bit like the Davina story we've already talked about and ah, this month, November is Men's Health Month. And last week as we, as we're talking was, International Men's Day. So I wanted to focus a little bit this week on men's health and prostate cancer in particular. Now this is something that, that I care greatly about. So I'BEEN something very close to me because I was diagnosed myself with prostate cancer in 2017, but I was very lucky. My cancer was picked up in my 40 year NHS health cheque. I had no symptoms, I hadhing, nothing


Tim Beynon: wrong with me at all. I went for this health cheque. Just fully expect him to tell me that I drank too much and ate too much cheese. But the end result of it actually was that, you know, it confirms that I had prostate cancer. Luckily though, it was caught early and after treatment and all the drama that kind of went with that, I'm now thankfully, cancer free and have been for some time, which is, which is, you know, huge relief to me and my family. but had it not been picked up until I was 45, the consultant told me, it would have been incurable. So I was so lucky at that time that it was picked up. and there was, I was able to get the treatment that I needed. But all of that, you know, is, that is the tragic reality for Sir Chris Hoy. And I think that's why his story has really, really touched me, over the last few weeks. because he could have been me, that could have been my story. So it's really impacted me that has. And I think his bravery in sharing his story has been, you know, really inspirational. And just as you saw with Davina, it's driven thousands of men to cheque their risk, for prostate cancer through charities like Prostate Cancer uk. Amazing Charity that I lent on when I was going through what I was going through and I know that they do some incredible work and, you know, they are saving lives every day and they have a simple risk, risk, checker on their website, which apparently has had lots of interest and lots of people go into it since, Sir Chris's, announcement. And that's fantastic. And I know as well that the Charity, like Chris, has been pushing for a national screening programme for prostate cancer. One doesn't exist at the moment, which is a scandal in itself, I think, and that something like that should be available for younger men. Prostate cancer isn't an old man's disease, which is what it's quite often perceived to be. it can impact young men, as well. So it's really important that that is taken into account. So if anything positive can come out of, criticised diagnosis. And honestly, my heart goes out, Tim, it really, really, really does. But lobbying government and working with amazing charities like Prostate Cancer UK to bring about real change, that could save the lives of men across the country would be amazing. So I'm going to be supporting it as much as I possibly can. And to any guys listening to this, Anyone who is 40 or above, firstly, I think you should't, you should know your risk. You should go to the Prostate Cancer UK website, cheque out your risk for, prostate cancer and if necessary, if, if you feel you'd like to, and I would recommend you do, you go and get a PSA blood test. It's just a blood test. We're not talking about gloved fingers and anything like that. Don't worry about that. It's just a blood test. Find out your psa, know where you stand, and then that'll help you to keep track of that over the years that come, and do what you can, support this idea of this national screening programme. I think it's a really important thing for men across the uk. So there we go. I've ranted a bit there, I've talked quite a lot. but Prostate Cancer UK and prostate cancer, prostate cancer is curable when it's caught early. So let's see what we can do to sort of get behind that. so, yeah, so that's my sort of news slash rant for the week. What about you, Pece?

Piers Townley: Excellent round there, Tim. And I've been inspired by you. We've spoken about this before. I've had a couple of the PSA tests over the last few years. So yeah, join your call to campaign. Get stu tested.

The rise of cryptocurrency

In other news, I think it's a really interesting development and it kind of caught my eye only because of what's happening over in the States with Musk and his association with bitcoin and cryptocurrenies and whatever else is flying around out there. And it's the news that just Giveniving announced that it will accept over 60 types of cryptocurrency donations the likes of Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether and so many others. I think this is really big news for the sector. The Brain CHM Charity. We were approached several years back with a large donation in crypto and it just prompted a load of scratching of heads and m. Fast forward, fast forward to now and it seems like a hugely logical and profitable fundraising development. So according to the G Blogiz.

Tim Beynon: Explain to me because I don't get it, what is what. What really is crypto then? How can someone donate crypto? How does that work? What? Because I will be one of the people scratching their heads.

Piers Townley: This is where. This is where I stumble as well. It's out there in. In the Internet, in cyberspace, protected away from the normal financial institutions. There are going to be millions of people much more qualified to explain what this is. As far as I'm concerned, it's witchcraft. But I know it's something that my kids talk about all the time. So I think the dinosaurs that myself and Newton, we're going to have to give way to younger fundraising corporate partnership teams are dealing with this and will be dealing with this even more now than just giving of put this all together.

Tim Beynon: I don't think charities going to Charity is going to know what the value of stuff. So if someone said I'm going to give you 1000 bitcoins, that doesn't mean anything to me. How does that relate to pounds? What that. Is that a lot? Is that not much? how do we know what the value of this stuff is?

Piers Townley: I think it's a case of as with the stock market, the values go up and down. We've seen


Piers Townley: if you look at. Well, the news has suggested that with Musk and Trump that the value of certain bitcoins or bitcoins bitcoin is one of them. Certain crypto currrenances of skyrocketed. So I as that exchange rate like when you're exchanging your holiday money, I guess the donation could vary depending on how much that is. When it's converted into gbp, which is what just given us saying the platform will automatically do and start rolling out. And they've partnered with the Giving Block, which is a cor a company that's going to help sourrce all of this out. They've released a report that suggests that approximately 580 million crypto users worldwide. So that's two of us sitting here that aren't part of that, but that's 580 million crypto users and an estimated 1.5 billion in cryptocurrency has been donated over the last few years to charithable causes. So this looks like the future and it looks like just giving our ah, embracing this. And then one of the reasons they've said that these donations are becoming so increasing in volume is that any donations made through crypto assets, they're treated as being no gain and no loss. So again, this is going into tellitory that I'm not an expert in. So they're not subject to capital gains tax so much like perhaps an example of gift aid. You know, you can have these tax benefits to donating in this form of currency. And the massive caveat with me just talking about this as a news piece is that there's going to be lots of people out there who know it inside out much better than I've just described. So t don't send into the show and have a go. Come on board the show. Come to us unless s if we can guest you on and you can explain a little bit more about how charities need to embrace cryptocurrency and we'll have to as. As we go forward.

Tim Beynon: Great call to action there. I want to get someone on the show to talk about that because I've got know very little knowledge of it. it interesting to see how charities can get on board with that. You know, how can we. If there's 580 million crypto users out there, how can we get them to donate to our charities? What the charities need to do? So let's get someone, get someone in to talk about that. For sure.

Introducing Lewis Moody MBE

Piers Townley: We're thrilled this episode to welcome rugby legend Lewis Moody MBE to the Charity show. Lewis played for Leicester Tigers and Bath Rugby and was part of the 2003 England World cup winning side. What many may not know though, is that for many years now, Lewis, along with his wife Annie, the headed up the Lewis Moody foundation, raising vital funds. Well over a million so far and counting. And awareness of Brain tumours. The Lewis Moody foundation has been key to the Brain Tumour Charity'drive to change the landscape in this disease area and crucially support so many of others affected by a diagnosis. The foundation was set up in 2014 inspired by Lewis'friendship with Joss, a young rugby fan. Lewis says, I met and, and then lost a young friend, Josh Rowley Stark, at around the time injury forced me to retire from rugby. Josh had just turned 16 when he died and his death had a huge impact on me. Lewis has gone on to lead worldwide challenges for the foundation, including South Pole treks, Vietnam and Cambodia cycling tours and Costa Rica jungle safaris. He's currently trekking the Sahara for the foundation and the Brain Tumour Charity, but took time out beforehand to drop into the show. Hi, Lewis, welcome to the show. It's a, great to talk today about the Lewis Moody foundation and your incredible support for the Brain Tumour Charity and your love of challenge events. But we've got to start with a little bit of rugby. How big a part of your life does the game remain today?

Tim Beynon: In terms of the game, I still love it. I actually don't get to see very much of it anymore. I still go to internationals. My kids obviously love playing sports. My elest is following a football pathway which is really cool. So he's carving his own little, ah, sporting nation. But my youngest is rugby obsessed so he he's out now. Dieard Bath fan, which, you know, which I am a Bath fan until they play Leicester. but as more and more of my beers or colleagues or connections, thatless, you know, start to move on, my allegiances, you know, who knows, they may swing to Bath more heavily but. ###ute in the Midland.

Piers Townley: How often do people ask you about the 2003 World Cup, Lewis?

Tim Beynon: Piers, we, we had the 20th reunion in November. So, really weird that I know it's come around so quickly and we've been through. What the reunion highlighted was that, you know, with whatever perceptions may, you know, may be reached by people is that the reality of the majority of the group has been that they'really struggled at some stage or other and whatever level and with whatever that may be, you know, wider ranging from all sorts of things. So, it was a real eye opener to actually we probably need to look after each other a bit better and that we


Tim Beynon: came together as, as a group of high performing, not achieving individuals in 03 and that nucleus of competitive human beings gelled together to create a really good team under the guidance of Clive and the other coaches. but actually when we set foot in the real world and we all went our separate ways, we were really useless. a lot of things, in fact the majority of things. And we've all found that. Well I've certainly looked back and reflected on the irony of the situation is that when you're in a team environment you recognise certainly in one M that we were in then where you are as good as you are because of the collective awesomeness of everyone else around you and their ability to do their jobs. And then you step out of the sporting bubble into the real world and you have this weird desire and need and thought that you can do everything yourself and you're like, well everyone else must be able to do it, so why can't I? But when we came together in November, it was a really happy moment. Like everyone just genly felt relaxed. It was cathartic in the sense that we, Clive and Tony Biscom who is the video analysis guy and his team put a video montage and you know, footage and training from the training camp in the build up to 03 and commentary and all sorts of stuff. It was really cool. But we've not done that once, you know, you plan so you know, in the build ups of a game you so plan, play, review, plan play, review. It's just ongoing forever until you retired and know we won the World cup and we did plan, we did play and then we never ever reviewed it. We never sat down collectively and went, we did, we did some cool stuff. Look at that. And we sort of did that in November in different circumstances and people, Jo O and Clive said a few words, Tin said a few words and Jo, it was really nice, it was really special. It just reminded you that we had a real special group of people that came together at a special time. That doesn't mean we're all really close. In fact probably far from it. But when we come back together it does, it does connect you to that M moment again. It makes you feel very close to those individuals.

Lewis's biggest challenge after retiring from rugby

Tim Beynon: So what did you find to be the biggest challenge then? When you did step away, when you did hang up your boots, what did you find was the biggest. Biggest challenge?

Tim Beynon: That's a good question. What is the biggest challenge? I mean there were lots of challenges and you don't, you know, as a sportsman of the era that I came through and kning weakness and vulnerability and all that sort of stuff wasn't really something you ever did because it gave people ammunition and it was just a sign of weakness. Wrong me, you know, so I wouldn't. In the first few years I retired, if you had spoken to me, you would have been. How are you? Yeah, yeah, great. Really busy. It's great. Really busy. I was busy doing all sorts of stuff, you know, with no direction and no sense of purpose and no clarity on why I was doing it. I was just doing, That was okay for a little while. But I think you lose your. People talk all the time. Identity, purpose, your identity is whatever arguments people want to throw at, at. You know, I am Lewis Moody first and foremost and there are a distinct set of characteristics and traits and behaviours that go with Lewis Moody. But then you are from the age of 18 or even a younger really 16, 14, like started at Leicester. You list me do the rugby player. And as soon as you become that in everyone else's eyes, it's very difficult to disassociate yourself with that and realise that there is a being underneath that who has a different skill set to playing rugby. and it may be none of the things that you're aware of as an individual that people are aware of. And actually there are two challenges that you have to overcome and one is your own sort of pride, as in when you're leaving that arena and if you played the highest level, like I got to do for a long period of time and let's capt to my country and all that sort of asaz. People have this image of you and that you should be on, you know, in charge of stuff and, you know, leading stuff. And you know, you'll have this sort very direct, approach you proably. They just make assumptions about what you should be doing. They share them with you. And therefore that starts to sort of, you know, seep into your Brain as well and into your thinking. You. That's a really good point. I should probably be in business with. I should probably running some sort of business, you know, finite insurance. and you sort of go down these passwayss with no understanding of the world as it is, you know, outside of sport. Really well, so I talk about myself. I didn't. Anyway, and then so you, you've got that, you've got that vision of what you should be doing. You listen to those voices. One of the hardest things is, is putting. Putting those voices to bed. And then you've got the reality in your own Brain of so what you think you should be doing from what you've been told, but actually what you inherently want to do. A lot of things that I wanted to do had nothing to do with that.


Tim Beynon: So I was lost for a long time really and actually starting meeting Joss.

The inspiration behind the Lewis Moody Foundation

So I suppose the segue into the foundation is the loss that rugby or the voage that rugby created, I suppose in my life was weirdly and ironically replaced without me even meaning or intending to by Where it started with a letter in a post from Graham. We met Joss. Graham was Joss's daddy. Sent Handra a letter in the post. That's what PI's my interest. I went up to Sheffer, met the family and the letter just said that Joss has got a right form of cancer. Is there anything you can do? Could you come and support you trying to raise some money for his mates to go on towards South Africa. so went up, met Joss, met Tiff McGraham, met Leo. Wonderful. family met the team, ran a training session. Josh couldn't train because he was undergoing treatment at the time. so it started a connection with the family that sort of grew over over the next year and a half. and to the point where about a year and a half later Graham called to say that the lads are struggling a bit because Joss is in hospital so much and he's undergoing treatment and all the medication and all. I m sory Jazz the focus hasn't been on Leo. We're just being concentra on Joss. I think Leo was maybe 13, 12, 13 at a time. so bas said. They said is there anything I could do to help? Basically do us allt day out of the ordinary. So sort a match at ah, Twickenham and we had pre in postg game mult tata you went down really hosted by the CEO, of the rfu and it was a lovely day. It was, you know, it was a game that we should and we did win against the Welsh, when they weren't qu m and after the game went down to the change room and met all the, you know, Chris Rochaw kindly let us come to change room. So the lads joce and near wandered around the players, autograph signatures, pictures, et cetera. And then we went upstairs to the post match which in the spirit of rugby, which is sort of a big smart occasion where all the alakadus, and the captains and the teams come together and you sit on the table and players normally sit with the opposition. but I managed to wangle that m Joss and Leo could sit on a table with a group of the lads was think it was m manu toangngi ma and Vnipolar and Dan Cole and And Joss As a 15 year old he probably would have been at the time, as you know, he would have just star yes. The world. No he wasn't. He was very happy to tell look, they should have done better in the game. Which was, which was highly amusing for me because you got these like 20 stone Neanderthals opposite. And Joss was, you know, a lithe, six foot, but a fairly skinny lad. And anyway, after the call, dad, just after the day Graham called up and said look, the lads and a fantastic time. I got stuff everywhere, a paraphernala around the house, flag, scarfs, pictures and at the end of the court just said but I really sorry. Josh passed away yesterday. And that was, you know, just a couple of days after the event. So it was, it was a very moving and poignant connection for me and Annie I think having got to know the eyes and. And Joss in particular, you know I was in regular contact with during that year and a half. and the irony I suppose the situation was that Graham came searching for support from me to elo whereas actually they helped me far more than I was evern to be able to help them or Jos. and as I look back now, that meeting with Joss gave me a purpose. Joss's passing meant that we created the foundation. We Joss didn't actually pass a Brain tumm. I don't know whether you guys know that, but jo elaair form of blood cancer. but me and Ali decided that we wanted to support a canc of Charity that affected young families. And we had a chat with a various group of people. and one of them was Andy Foote who had the Joseph Foot foundation which became which merged with numerous others right at the game, the Brain trum Charity. and when we started chant to Andy and understanding a bit more and we met Sarah Lindzel who was the former CEO, it was apparent that if we were going to do anything we wanted to do it for a cancer Charity that needed support and an illness that was affecting so many yet didn't seem to have changed or had much impact. So I suppose our thinking was that, you know, where can we help the most? I suppose was what we were thinking at the time. So we ploughed all of our charitable efforts into. Into the foundation. We sett thoseose mo foundation and the Brain ch Charity. they, you know, they administer us which is wonderful. So we to we get the beauty of the wisdom and the knowledge that everyone of the Charity has and the connections and the understanding and the links and,


and we're able to fund specific projects over the last 10 years. It's been 10 years now that you. That we've done it. Graham, as in Joss's dad, did his first challenge just after lockdown, which was pretty cool. he lost an anous ma way to do it. And he always promised that himself he would. And he did. and we'd been doing challengs ever since. So our first challenge, a friend of mine was Alan Chambers was. He is. He's still alive. Be very wored say that, he's a polar explorer, Britain's first explorer to the North Pole and supported. And he was like, well, ma, if we're going toa do some challenges, why don't we go to the North Pole? I was like, I was see like marathon. No, you know, maybe something small. But, yeah, that's where we started. And we did a trip to North Pole and then we did a series of events called the Heads Up Series where Waiko, who are, you know, top set lads. Charlie and Gary sponsored, the trips and we did all the points of the compass. Who did the North Pole? east was Vietnam and Cambodia. A thousand miles. Then we did. What's that? South. South Pole. We actually didn't do it in that order. We did east, then we did what. Because we ran out of time to plan the South Pole. So we went to Costa Rica and then we went to the South Pole. But anyway, we've done a load of events and since then it's been, you know, what to nearly just over 2.3 million. which for, you know, me and Annie, and the small groups of people that we take on these challenges, we're, you know, we're pretty proud of. I think we'd always like to be able to do more. I wish we could have raised more at this stage. But, you know, we're at, we're at. We're off to the Sahara in November with another group of e collelector eclectic group of, you know, people who are connected or not connected to Brain tumours. You know, we've got someone who, who is'lost who lost a mum, so is s emotionally connected to the challenge, which is great in the cause. And then everyone else is just, in it for different reasons. You know, whether it's challenging themselves, whether it's getting out of comfort zone, whether it's meeting people, whether it's doing something different, all for a good cause.

Piers Townley: Then you didn't jump into with the foundation, Lewis. You didn't jump into a bake sale then, did you? You just thought, you know, let's go to the mostre places on run it.

Tim Beynon: Well, I suppose selfishly, you know, when we set up the foundation, sorry, an ambulance just passing if you can hear it. there was, you know, the bit that rugby took away or the voage that, that created the Charity. In many ways I was looking at going, well if we're going to have a Charity I want to be able to do things that I'm really invested in and I suppose for me I love challenging myself and taking myself out of my comfort zone and. But doing it with a group of people so it's never a race, it's just about getting from A to B. and we could, we could have started easy but you know, easy blring, easy gloring.

Setting up the Foundation

Tim Beynon: I want to talk to you about the time. I want to find out more about the challeng eventities in particular. But just going back a step in terms of the foundation itself did you. Was that a steep learning curve in terms of the admin side of things and how you go about setting a foundation?

Tim Beynon: 100% and anyone that knows me knows that admin is definitely not on my list of quality trade. so, you know, I'm all about action doing and energy and you know getting lost in the detail of stuff is, is not my strong suit. That's, you know, my wife is, is brilliant to that which is why we make a great there and, and in all honesty she, she, you know, I mean she does all that and you know, the support that we get from the Brain TR a Charity mean that from the start we had a wonderful lady called Claire who ran the, who really ran the Charity for five years, Claire Wormley. and she was just gold. and she made all of my sort of brained ideas and ambitions and great, you know, desires to raise and all thisount of money and do students and chilly things. she put them into, into practise basically. She'd tell me what I needed to do to be able for that. we've all got our skills right And I suppose, you know, we became a little team for you know, for the five years that we were together, Claire, Annie and I and our skills worked well and you know we work in a slightly different way now because of the change of COVID and you know the impact that had especially on charities. Right. Because it's tough. but so, yeah, we work slightly differently now, but we still, we still do the same thing. We still have a great connection and relationship, with the Brain Trumid Charity. And I actually, I feel like Covid probably bought us slightly closer now. whereas maybe before we felt like we were sot of slightly disconnected and doing a lot of things on our own.

Fundraising through extreme challenges

Tim Beynon: In terms of how the Charity works, in terms of funding, are you the funding are the challenge events? The funding, is that where your primary source of income?

Tim Beynon: Yeah, absolutely, yeah. So the majority of our fundraising comes from challenges. Over the years it has varied. So the sad reality of being a, a former professional sportsman is that and not being a footballer and being a roubby player that I still need to earn a living. and the time that


Tim Beynon: I was afforded my first retires for the first five years, where I had much more freedom to go and do multiple challenges and multiple events. And we had dinners over the years which have been awesome, which I absolutely loved and have been so well supported by a vast array of just wonderful people from, you know, whether you're taking tables or any of the celebs that we had. And we had a real mixing array over the years, to the people living with Brain tumours, the families, those that are affected, coming and talking, and sharing their stories. So it's been a real team effort along the way. But as we move forward and my time becomes much more of a commodity because, that's the wrong way of putting it. Actually. My time just has to be repurposed in the right way so that I can have the impact that I would like with a much, more reduced time schedule. so things that we do moving forward will be mostly just the challenges. but I hope that we can still, as things change in the years move on, we can squeeze in a few other events here and there. I still try and get to the family days, that we fund as often as I can. Obviously Covid changed a few, quite a lot to do with that. but yeah, I mean your question was, and I've gone all around the houses with the answer is that, yes, we mainly raise money. we are fundraising us through the challenges or other events, but mostly the challenges.

Piers Townley: Focusing on the challenges. Lois, I've just, I'm struck by, and it kind of is clicking in my mind the similarities of you having to work as a, you know, as a world winning rugby team and then Having to put up with trekking to the South Polel for example, there must be some similarities in those kind of extreme fundraising challenges that you're doing.

Tim Beynon: Well, I definitely wouldn't describe it as putting it up with G should going into the South Pole. I love it. You know, honestly that that's where I feel most alive. You know, when you are really out of your comfort zone and being a minus 40 odd in, you know, in the middle of of a continent where it's so vast all you can see around you is, is white snow and ice. That is it. Nothing. No other human beings, no nothing. No great blade of grass dust, nothing. Just white. It is. You know, if you are of a certain disposition, you would find that enormously overwhelming. And we've had people on the trips we've been on who have found that and. But because of the nature of the trips, it's just about getting from A to B. And you know, I'm not trying to make out that we went from the coast to the Pole. We've done the last degree on each trip which is, you know, which is challenging enough for a group of non polar explorers who just like a challenge. but yeah, that you know, for me where, that's where enjoyment lives. Right. It's in the challenge of being how you comfort zone and really figuring out what you're capable of. And you only really figure out what you're capable of as an individual when you are tested like you've never been tested before. And whether that's in extreme weather or it might even be as simple as standing up on stage and having to deliver a keynote. But it doesn't have to be a grandiose challenge. We test ourselves in different ways every day. But I suppose for me the doing side of things is what really, really gives me a buzz. And when I get to do it with people and support each other and feel supported that the warmth and the bond that you create is very similar peers to your question of what we had in 2003. And when I reconnect with the 2003 team or when I reconnect with some of the lads that I went to cost the lads or ladies I went to Costa Rica with or or the team that went to north or South Pole with, the feeling is the same. You've done something special together. And if it has been really testing and those bonds are forged, they're tight. Those bonds that forged because you've experienced something you need together. Yeah.

Tim Beynon: Of those challenges and you talk Through a few of them in terms of the poles and the points of the compass and it all sounds incredible. Is there any one situation you found yourself in that's been perhaps the most extreme or the most necessarily dangerous? Because you say extreme can come in. Can mean different things to different people in different situations. But if any point along any of those challenges but you thought geez, this is. This I might not be able to do this. This is actually one step too far.

Tim Beynon: Oh, good question. I don't think I've ever felt that thankfully myself, the only time I felt genuine concern was when we got to No was when we arrived in Norway to depart as where you depart to go to where we departed anyways it go to the North Pole and I forget the name of the place now'the problem of having t played rugby for 16 years. My memory, my memoryies useless. But I remember feeling out of my comfort zone to a degree where you know we're having to sew fur rims into the jackets that we had and I'd


Tim Beynon: never sewn anything in my life. I was like an was the like lads choose a fur and then go in so on. I was like u am I gonna be the only person for the hand of a go? I've got no idea how to say. So I sat. I was sat in room with daddy Gruok who was another world coming, a colleague of mine. So Danny and Josh came in the first trip. Josh, Lucy. And I was just copying him like pretending I knew what I'd doing. I was. That was feeling most probably uncomfortable out actually.

Tim Beynon: So you're saying here that, that trekking to the northern South Pole, the worst part in all of that was sitting with a needle and thread in your bedroom trying to assist stitch something together. That was.

Tim Beynon: That sounds silly now I say but no I could tell you the most, the genuinely the most scared I've ever been in my life was we're in the South Polel that was a genuine discomfort when I, when I didn't know what I was doing and because that feeling of oh God, I don't know how to sewer suddenly leads to if I don't know how to do this and I'm going to be able to get all the rest of my kit sorted and what about the admin that I need to you know, the cold prep that I've got to get through when I'm out and I'm pulling a sled and have I got into the right place? So you Go sort of into a spiral of things anyway, but I managed to, I managed to get myself. I but the most, I think the most fearful I've ever been was we were walking in sort of day three in the South Pole and, and Allean noticed behind us this sort of cloud bank that and it literally stretches across the entire horizon because there's nothing, just flat white snow. and you could tell that he started to get a thinking in his head. He's like right, okay, this sort of weather system is coming our way. I don't know what it is, it's pretty big. But we stopped anyway and this beautiful day, like blue sky other than just this like bank of cloud approaching. and we, we stop, put the tents up and Alan started digging this like sort of snow defence around his tent. And we're like what, what are you doing? Is like ah. Oh well you know, it's just if, if the wind's really strong it would come in. The barrier will sort of deflect the snow around the tent. I was like right, okay, so we, we was obviously copying the poar explorer like digging this as we were digging these, they're just like walls, snow walls that protect the tent. This massive explosion occurred like it was like an earthquake. Just we were stood there on this. So on the, on the plateau, on the polar plateau and it was just sounded like. And I looked at Alan because I was like, you obvious, you know what that is. He'having been multiple times and he was looking, he was looking at me in a similar way. It was like what, what was that? And, and I. So we sort of stopped and chatted for a minute and I felt genuine. Like you know when you so stomach churns, your heart races and I'm looking around thinking okay, I genuinely feel like we're at the mercy of mother Nature now. I've never felt a sense of. There's a word that I can't find. It's like just. There's nothing I could do. There was nothing I could do that was going toa potentially make any difference.

Tim Beynon: So what was it? Was it, was it ice cracking or the something. Do you know what the noise was?

Tim Beynon: So what it was was that the polar plateau sits in like a basin and every now and again the basin displaces the water that has dripped down around the edges, however many thousands of miles it is and it just drops essentially a millimetre. And, and that's what occurred. But because of this m. Massive boom that we didn't we didn't find out what it was until we returned until we made it to the South Pole. So that's like three or four days later. So in the hours ahead, once we're waiting for this weather frontt to approach, we're just in I hour Are we going to make it through the night and we're going to wake up in the morning. All these types of things go through your mind. I Genuine, genuine.

Tim Beynon: That's pro fear the unknown, isn't it?

Tim Beynon: That was. Yeah, I enjoyed it. Talking looking back I. Yeah well I'Yeahay

Tim Beynon: It's. It's all relative. I don't know whether I'd enjoy that. Take a certain, certain person and a certain mentality to find to enjoy. Like for me I this sou sounds horrific but all respect to you guys for doing that. Amazing.

Tim Beynon: Amazing.

Tim Beynon: slightly different, slightly similar, similar tack that you talked us through.

Lewis's pride in the Foundation

You know a moment where you experience genuine fear. Tell us about a moment where you've experienced genuine pride with the work of the Foundation. What s something that sticks in your mind in terms of giving you a great sense of pride, A great sense.

Tim Beynon: Of pride for value. Do you know what you're so focused on the, on the doing sometimes. I don't know if I've ever stopped to think about that. like I'm. I suppose personally I'm really proud that I've been able to honour a young man that meant a lot to me and that I got to know well and hopefully provided a platform that has given him, his family joy as well to be a part of. I suppose that some of the projects that we've been able to find and see, some of the impact that the projects have,


Tim Beynon: the people that we, we've galvanised and got involved in a cause that they'd otherwise not. Not heard of. There's probably something really poignant and, and emot that I'm missing but off the top of my head actually do you know it's difficult to think about the fact that we're still here 10 years on and it's just me and Annie and and the, the individual personnel that have coming and supported us through the Brain Tumour Charity along the way I suppose makes me feel proud. Yeah, I don't stop to think about it enough I suppose I just. You. Because there's always a sense of you probably should have done a little bit more or you could have raised more or say you're always searching for the next thing. you I'm really grateful for people like Ollie Highway, Kev Fisher, various other people that have, that I've met who are living with Brain tumours and who are the reason that we do what we do and that have engaged and given us so much support and so much of their time, continually. Like, Ollie's just a legend. Like, he always wants to come and talk to the teams. He always wants to share a video. He is. Like, he'll often bring, to all the launch events that we have. He's bought in the past socks. he's bought for every member. He's bought notebooks. so his wife makes these awesome notebooks. you know, the ones for the South Pole had a map of the South Pole inside them, which is really cool. and I suppose, you know, having the support of those guys makes me feel proud because it makes me feel like, you know, you're having a small. You're making a small bit of difference, even if it's just with Olli and having. I don't know, even if yah. Just.

Piers Townley: But, you know, it's more than a small difference, Leuis. It's a massive difference and, you know, we see that. We see that. What of the next few years for you, Lewis? what. How do you think you want to be remembered by BR do as a RBY player, as a philanthropist? The foundation.

Tim Beynon: What does the land me?

Piers Townley: Where's the next. What's the next few years look like though, with the foundation?

Tim Beynon: U. That's a really good question. We've got, We've got a meeting in place to sit down. One of the things that we're really good at, when we first started was, was having a roadmap as to what we wanted to achieve and the challenges that we wanted to do and the dinners and projects that we wanted to fund. and we've got another meeting that, that looks at the future, in the next month, which is really exciting in terms of, you know, the looking at what we have funded and what impact, you know, that might have made and projects that, you know, maybe didn't continue, for whatever reason, and then what challenges we will undertake to fundraise for those projects as well. So, that's quite exciting. I love those meetings. I love seeing down with people and creating and, and figuring out some goals and some ambitions, and what are the stepping stones to get there, and setting some sort of realistic but ambitious, targets. I think that's something that I've always Enjoyed doing. but yeah, I don't have a clear RO app for what the future looks like for the first time. A.

Tim Beynon: Do you. A Do you have a wish list of challenges, things you'd like to do?

Tim Beynon: There's probably too many actually. There's.

Tim Beynon: What's at the top of the list?

Tim Beynon: the top of the list is one that I never finished. So I went to the Yukon, took on an Ultramarithon, and that was 10 years ago and I didn't finish it. I got to 100 miles and I got frostbite. so it's the only challenge I've never finished. So I'm quite keen to do that. But, But yeah, so that will. Maybe that's a personal thing for me that I might do with. I don't know, I might. You know, if there's enough people interested they can take a team. there's. There's some unfinished business. Yeah. Is uninished business. That's a personal one that I really want to do. You know, when we have the. We have the team challenges with the foundation, I feel a large degree of responsibility obviously because my name is. Is on the, on the the event and you know, God forbid anything would go wrong, you know, that lands on my shoulders. So when we're in the. When we're on the challenges, you know, I feel a great way of responsibility to make sure everyone gets through safely, and supported and enjoys it. and so I think there's something around doing a bit of fundraising on my own, and doing a challenge for me in the future that I'm quite looking forward to. But I mean there's, there is literally tonnes of stuff. You know, I. There. There are parts of the world that I'd like to explore that, that I haven't reached yet. And, and I think we sit down and have a, have a meeting. I'd like to one us those some are a little bit out of reach at the minute due to the state that the world is in, which is a bit frustrating. but yeah, we'llh, I'll come back to you on that one. But, but for me the next one I really want to do is. Is finish off the Yukon. You know, that's like a


Tim Beynon: real personal one and I'm pretty sure actually looking at the group of individuals that we've collected for the Sahara trip, they're a really fit bunch. So, you know, I'm kind of in my mind thinking I'm sure I can recruit a couple of People well, if.

Tim Beynon: You can take them from the heat. Take them from could if experience the heat then they might so experience the cold as well.

Tim Beynon: The cold so much nicer. Honestly not. Yeah well I can report back after the Sahara and I've got sand in all sorts of places I never wanted.

Tim Beynon: Thanks Leuis. Listen, it's been an absolute pleasure having you. Thank you so much for joining us. We'taken up a lot of your time this afternoon so I'm really grateful if you're giving us your time.

Advice for anyone taking on a challenge event

One last question for you. Talk about talking about challeng of challenge events. What's the one sort of golden nugget of advice you'd give somebody who might be just thinking about taking on a challenge event themselves? What's the one thing you'd say to them?

Tim Beynon: Oh, I think that's crazy for me that just. It's just in the doing. I think often we can get stuck in overthinking or you'll see something. Often what happens is I talk about a challenge in the room or an event or somewhere and a load of people come. I really want. This has been on my list right. I really want to do. I was like okay, you know here's the sign up page. they're like yeah, that's amazing. I'm going to, I'm going to go and get Ono that tomorrow and tomorrow turn the next day and the next day. So you know Laozu who is, was a Chinese philosopher said that the journey of a thousand miles starts with one step and honestly for me it's just in taking the first step and that's normally signing up. Once you've done it, you'll never regret it. Everyone is being on a challenge with us or whether it's with the brains of each Charity one the great stuff that they're putting on and doing, no one ever regrets it.

Tim Beynon: They love it.

Tim Beynon: So in answer to your question it would just be take that first step and just, just commit to something. Don't overthink it.

Tim Beynon: Just do fill in that form and click submit. There you go Leuis. Thank you very much. You agree Peiers has been. That's been a cracking, cracking interview. Thank you so much.

Piers Townley: I love it. I love the stories. I love those polar, polar stories.

Tim Beynon: Yeah, that's cool. It's so much fun. Honestly. You'll have to come one day beiz.

Piers Townley: Yeah, no, I'm going to take your advice. I'm going to sign up soon. Oh Lewis, thank you so much for your time.

Tim Beynon: Pleasure guys.

Tim Beynon: In each episode of the challenge show. We want to celebrate our sector superstars, those incredible people working, volunteering and fundraising across our sector. And you can nominate your deserving colleagues volunteers or email us@, 'Get in touch through the links in the show notes. You can even send us a voice message that we can play out in the next episode.

Fundraising vending machines

So here's your superstar this week.

Piers Townley: P. Well, actually, this story has jumped out of me so much, Tim, that it's not really a person, but it's a thing. It's fundraising vending machines. Now, I'd seen these in the States a while back now and a Midland shopping centre in Solly Hall. There's three of them and they'll have donation cards with a rising scale of donations to buy things such as mosquito necks or a clean water kits or a humanitarian tent for the associated charities such as Shelter Box, Muslim Aid, Fair Share and Little Hearts Matter, which is a Charity that organise donations to children recovering from heart surgery. Now, these vending machines are brought in by the uk. These vending machines have brought to the UK by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints as part of their annual like the World Christmas initiative. And just like a really interesting fundraising idea, Shelter Box, which is one of the charities that are going to be, part of the machines. Shelter Box is director of fundraising and Communications. Lisa McCormack said the like the World vending Machines, a fun and festive fundraising initiative which will help Shelter Box continue our crucial work supporting families uprooted from their homes by disaster or conflict. And she goes on to say, the wonderful people who donate through these vending machines will be making a tangible difference to people who have often lost not only their homes, but loved ones and livelihoods too. So any visitors to Solly all over the festive season is going to see a really interesting and unique way of fundraising and supporting charities with these vending machines. Fascinating stuff.

Tim Beynon: Love that. I think that's a great idea, Fascinad, to see how that goes down and, see if, if they end up sort of spreading a bit further. Love that story.

Yorkshire Children's Charity providing warm essentials

so my superstar this week, again a bit of a different one. It's a story that really touched me. and my superstar this week is, is a whole Charity. So Yorkshire Children's Charity and its'CEO Charlotte Barrington. Now, they're an incredible organisation, and they're providing warm essentials, such as coats, pyjamas and bedding to 161 schools across their region to keep children warm and to ensure that they continue to attend school throughout these cold winter months. and I think as a parent, you can't help but be moved by this. I mean, Charlotte says that demand for her Charity and for these items has doubled, with nearly 2,000 children supported over the last year as a result of the financial pressures that are on their parents. And the Charity also says that many of the families that support struggle with complex living situations and life challenges in addition to poverty. And figures show the 67% of the applications they received last year cited abuse,


neglect, criminal exploitation, homelessness or illness. And over half of the families, have children who have additional educational needs. I just thought for, I mean, what an amazing organisation doing, doing that, that work. And I'm sure there are lots of other similar organisations across the country. But it really struck me as, you know, modern day Britain, how can we let this happen? How can that be a thing? How can poverty be, be so significant that, you know, stopping children to go from going to school because they're cold, you know, they don't have coats, payjamas, bedding, to stay warm. I, just think it'it's. Shocking. So I think you can't help but be moved by that. And I think, yeah. So hats off to Charlotte and the team at, Yorkshire Children's Charity. You're doing an incredible job. Really amazing.

Coming up next time

Piers Townley: So that's it for episode 14. Huge thanks to Lewis for giving us an insight into the Lewis Moody Foundation. And don't forget, you can keep track of his Sahara trek over the next few days. We'll put the links to do so in the show notes. And we've got some other great guests coming up in the next few episodes too.

Tim Beynon: Absolutely. In a fortnight'time we're going to be joined by Chris Sheart, the outgoing Chief Executive of the RSPCA and the soon to be new CEO of the nspcc. So we're going to talk to him about the challenges that come with leading such long established and successful charities. And then in a few weeks time after that, we're going to be talking about major donors and philanthropy with Sally Williams. So there's plenty for everyone to get their teeth into over the next few weeks. Beers.

Piers Townley: Looking forward to it. And don't forget, you can be part of the show too. Just send us your voice messages or get in touch through any of the links in the show notes to share your stories and tell us what you'd like us to cover.

Tim Beynon: Also, don't forget, we want to know who your superstar fundraisers are, as well as your volunteers or colleagues as well. So head to the Show Notes and share their total brilliance with the rest of us.

Piers Townley: And in the meantime, please follow or subscribe to us on your usual podcast platform and leave us a review, both of which will help others to find the show.

Tim Beynon: So that's it for a pretty packed episode. Thanks for listening, take care, and we'll see you soon.


Sunday, November 10, 2024

Episode 13 - Full Transcript


Piers Townley: Hello and welcome to the Charity show, the podcast for Charity Insiders by Charity Insiders. Please rate, follow or subscribe to us on your usual podcast platform. And here's what's coming up in episode 13.

Tim Beynon: It's going to be interesting to see what the ripple effect of Trump's second term is going to be for the Charity sector over there, for the Charity sector over here and around the world. What do charities, you know, like environmental charities, refugee charities, women's charities, charities who, you know, charities over here who work a lot with the us. What are they going to be, the implications for them? How do they feel about it?

Saskia Konynenburg: The challenge with National Insurance, uplifts at the moment is we've done some calculations, some quick calculations, so we can see that this will cost the sector, 1.4 billion between 25 and 26. And obviously charities are now already worried about what their finances are going to be like for next year. So even if you're a small charity, even to the much larger charities, like, this is a, this is a cost that perhaps we haven't budgeted or we didn't realise was coming.

Tracey Anne-Breese: There are more and more challenge events being created. Some of them are charity owned, some of them are mass participation, you know, some of them are third party suppliers that are doing, you know, overseas treks and things like. And it's, you know, it's about finding the right event for your charity and there's, you know, there's different ways you can go about it and it's going to be different for every charity.

Tim Beynon: You go to more black tie dos than James Bond Piers.

Piers Townley: I used to go to more website. Yeah, as we were talk. Talked about earlier, too many late nights. Can't do late nights anymore, so as long as they finish at a decent time.

The US election and the Budget

Hello and welcome to episode 13 of the Charity show with me, Piers Townley, PR manager at the Brain Tumour Charity.

Tim Beynon: And me, Tim Beynon, head of marketing engagement at the firefighters Charity.

Piers Townley: Well, it's been quite a couple of weeks, Tim, all in all. And as we record this, it's only a few days after a, ah, historic US election and a week or so after the UK budget. What have you made of it all?

Tim Beynon: Yeah, we've got to be careful. It's not a politics show, this. We've got to be a little bit careful. But, yeah, what a. What a couple of weeks has been, eh? What a. What a tumultuous time.

Will Donald Trump's second term impact charities around the world?

I mean, the US election doesn't really. Well, it does, doesn't. It? Doesn't affect us in this show. But it's going to be interesting to talk about it a little bit. You know, the fact that Donald Trump has made it into, his second term, despite his, you know, ongoing dramas, something that made, has made me really sort of think, this week. I used to work for nacro, the crime reduction Charity. And during that time when I was there, on a daily basis, we used to hear the stories of, of, of people who had, criminal convictions and were, were struggling to find work as a result. not so in America, it appears. You can have 34, convictions, and you can become President of the United States. So quite, quite spectacular. I couldn't. I really, really can't believe that that's the case. That someone with a, with record literally is able to achieve the highest office in the land, which is amazing. But it's going to be interesting to see what the ripple effect of Trump's second term is going to be for the Charity sector over there, for the Charity sector over here and around the world. And it's interesting looking at his stand on certain policies and certain things. What do charities, you know, like environmental charities, refugee charities, women's charities, charities over here who work a lot with, with the us, what are they going to be, the implications for them, how do they feel about it? and, you know, do we need to worry, or will they be worrying about the impact of Trumpism and MAGA and all that that stands for? Will that impact us over here and charities over here really, really keen to hear from people about that. So if you do have a view, get in touch with us through the links in the show notes. Tell us what you think. Are you worried? Is it going to impact your day to day, your Charity day today? Fascinating subject. Let's, let's hear from, hear from people who have an opinion on that would be great.

Fire Fighters Charity team nominated for Charity Comms Inspiring Communicator Award

In other news, just for me personally, really great week for us. The marketing engagement team at the firefighters Charity has been nominated, and shortlisted for the, Charity Comms Inspiring Communicator Award in the category of Best in House Campaigns. This is as, a result of the incredible work that my team, did and I'm not going to take any credit for it at all. It's amazing work that my team, did, to support the launch of the Charity Suicide Crisis Line, last November. A huge impact, very powerful stuff that the team did, and it's really made a difference. And over the last year we've seen how successful is the wrong word, but we've seen what an impact the line has had, and how many lives it has potentially saved. So very, very proud of the team for that. So, yeah, big week for us. Even bigger week, arguably for the world in terms of Trump and everything. But what have you made of all beers?

Piers Townley: Oh, just first, Eaton, congratulations. Because we did, I know, before offline, we've spoken about all the work that your team was doing on the suicide line and stuff. So richly deserve the nomination. Fingers crossed


Piers Townley: for you and, for the Charity itself. For that, Trump has blindsided me. I think we're still going through the implications personally, as a charity, possibly as, you know, as a state of the nation as well. Who knows how the ripples of this world fan out. And there's a cliche about, you know, sneezing here and everyone else catching the cold everywhere else. You know, it's a huge, it's a huge thing. It's a huge thing. And, events, I think will start to unfold, or not start to unfold, will start to develop really, really quickly and the implications, some of which we can know about, but there's plenty around the corner I think might trip us up. And for the, you know, the third sector and the economy of this country, it could all have a, knock on effect, or they will have a knock on effect. I think it's just the sheer numbers, Tim. If you think about it, tens and tens of millions of people looked at those candidates and decided to choose the choice that they did, which is mind boggling. It is just mind boggling. Yeah. So back over in the uk, obviously we're working through the implications of the budget and what it will have in effect for the third sector for fundraising, for strategy, for economic models of many, many charities. And this will lead us on to the interview we have with Saskia Kananberg as she talks through the petition that's been launched by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations has been sent off to the Treasury, I think, at the time of recording. And then Saskia will talk more about this. Thousands of charities have signed up to this, so we'll monitor that very, very closely and we'll feed back and maybe get Saskia back on the show to see the developments as the months go on.

Music Industry Trusts Awards honoured Jason Illey this year

In other news, in my own news, I was very, very fortunate to attend this year's MYTHS Awards and that stands for the Music Industry Trusts Awards Awards on Monday nights where Jason Ily, who is the current CEO of Sony uk, was honoured this year. And those awards, they celebrate various music personalities, and movies and shakers. And this year it was Jason's career over the last few decades, the last 10 years actually at the helm of Sony in particular and the incredible acts he's worked with and supported, the musicians he has helped nurture. but it's interesting that Sony has also worked with the Charity Mind and spearheaded by Jason's involvement as well, to invest heavily into mental health training for employees, among other workplace and industry initiatives. But interestingly from a Charity point of view, the MITS has also raised 7 million for two brilliant charities, the Brick Trust that offers opportunities to young people of all backgrounds and Nordhoff and Robbins, which people may know of, which is the UK's largest music therapy charity. So two amazing charities that were supported on a star studded events, you know, the likes of Paloma Faith, Mark Monson and Brit Trust, student, well Brit Trust talent Kat Burns performed and gave some speeches and there was a well trodden silent auction fundraiser that is often at these sort of events and he just saw donations rocket throughout the night for the two great charities for the Brit Trust and the Nordoff and Robbins, which is a shout out to them. So yeah, a really interesting evening.

Tim Beynon: Amazing. Sounds amazing. You go to more black tie dues than James Bond, Pierce.

Piers Townley: I used to go to more birth sign. Yeah. Ah, as we were talking, talked about earlier, too many late nights, can't do late nights anymore. So as long as they finish at a decent time.

Tim Beynon: Nice, nice.

Piers Townley: But yeah, that was a real honour to do that and to see those two amazing charities.

Saskia is back to talk about the impact of the Budget and National Insurance Contributions

Tim Beynon: Excellent, excellent, fascinating stuff about Saskia as well, which I think we should probably lead into. So here's an interview that we recorded with Saskia a little earlier on this week when the petition and the open letter that they talked to Saskia about had reached about the 2000 signatory, signatory mark. Since then and since this recording, since this interview, I think that has passed well beyond the 5,000 mark. So incredible, incredible, numbers that have signed that letter. But here is Saskia's take on the budget. Saskia, welcome back to the Charity show. It's great to see you again. Great to have you back on the show, becoming a familiar face now, which is great. Fantastic to see you again. We want to talk to you today a little bit about the autumn budget from last week. Now NCVO and Akiva have joined forces and you guys are calling upon charities across the country to come together to sign an open letter to the Chancellor in the wake of the budget. can you sort of summarise for Us why this issue of increased employer national insurance contributions is potentially so important and so dangerous and so, significant for the sector.

Saskia Konynenburg: I don't think it will come as any surprise to anyone that the Charity sector has gone through a couple of years of real turbulence, and we call it a triple threat. So we're seeing higher demand for our services, rising costs and also lower funding. So anything that impacts our, finances at the moment obviously can be really detrimental. I think the challenge with national insurance, uplifts at the moment is we've done some calculations, some quick calculations, and we can see that this will cost the sector A, 1.4 billion between 25 and 26. And obviously,


Saskia Konynenburg: charities are now already worried about what their finances are going to be like for next year. So even if you're a small charity, even to the much larger charities, like, this is a, this is a cost that perhaps we haven't budgeted or we didn't realise was coming. So that will come into force. From 1 April, people are looking at their budgets now going, where am I going to get that, money from? I already. We're already squeezed. We're already thinking, can we afford to employ a new person to do this, that and the other? I speak to CEOs all the time who are CEO, come finance manager, come HR manager. So, you know, charities are already extremely squeezed. We're not sure how they'll be able to afford this.

Tim Beynon: And, this is exactly budget time, isn't it? It's this time of the year, then people and charities are looking at those budgets for 25, 26. So you think this impact 1.4 billion is going to be something that people need to consider now for their budgets for next year?

Saskia Konynenburg: Yeah, I mean, we're doing all we can to campaign and say that charities need to be exempt from this or at least get reimbursed for this. But there is no golden ticket. It's something that all charities need to be considering now, how will we afford this? And, from our members that have contacted us, the only way people think they can afford this is through cuts. And whether that's staffing cuts or cuts to services or closing buildings, these are all the real challenging decisions that charities are going to have to make.

Any increases in budget to charities at this stage will ultimately mean cuts to services

Tim Beynon: So you just absolutely answered my next question for me. But I was going to say, so, any kind of cost implication, any sort of increases in budget to charities at this stage, ultimately, this means cuts to either services and. Or to jobs.

Saskia Konynenburg: Yeah. We have had the most contact since the pandemic over this issue, our telephones, our emails, people even contacting me on X and LinkedIn, and Sarah Elliott over the weekend from our members just to say, what are we going to do about this? How can we afford. Doesn't government know how already we're in such crisis like this is will push many people over the edge, you know, and it's not just a small Charity issue, it's not just a large Charity issue. Any Charity that is employing people will face this challenge down and think how on earth were we able to afford this?

Saskia says reaction from charity sector was one of outrage

Piers Townley: And M, was the general, was the general reaction Saskia from the members, one of just panic or was it kind of this is coming down the line. We have to then take a measured approach to this. What sort of reactions did you, did you get from the sector?

Saskia Konynenburg: I think the main reaction from the sector, was one of outrage really. And you know, this is a Charity sector which is there through thick and thin. We already deliver so much on behalf of the state. We actually step in probably where the state should at times. You know, we are feeding people, we are helping people through poverty, we are making sure that women and girls are protected from violence, we are housing people. We are doing absolutely all we can to keep communities going. We are filling gaps when public services have had to be stripped back to the absolute core. mental health support, all these things that, you know, society needs to continue. Charities are there and are doing it. So to put further financial burden on charities who are already completely overwhelmed and overstretched is really tough. And it's a really hard message for us to all take because we think we're trying to work in really good partnership. We're doing absolutely all we can. But yeah, to hear this news I think has become as it's, you know, it's really, it's a real test to us, like, you know, how can you, how can some of us just keep going through this? How many knocks can you have?

Piers Townley: And as you said, as you pointed out, it's going to affect all charities no matter their size or scope really. And at the time of us talking, there's over 2, 000 charities that have signed up to the letter. I guess it's a self explanatory question. Were you surprised by the reaction or was it that this is what's going to be happening?

Saskia Konynenburg: We even had a surge over the weekend which I think indicates that, you know, people who work in the voluntary sector don't ever stop. So we're now over 4,000 signatures so I think this issue is just so important to people. They know that this is going to lead to some real binary decisions that they don't want to make. we've already planned, we're planning, what can we do next year anyway to try and stay afloat. Now I've been hit by this and I need to find an extra £10,000, £50,000. Several charities are looking at bills of millions of pounds to, you know, to find. Where do you find that from?

Tim Beynon: Yeah, it's, it's a, it's. Yeah, it's a awful dilemma for charities to be facing. I remember, Saskia, when you were on the show, a couple of months ago, and we were talking about the impact of a change of governments, and what's, you know, what that. I think it was actually just before the election, even maybe that we spoke so a little while ago and we're talking about, you know, the mood in terms of a potential change of government and you were talking, we're talking quite positively about, you know, what the potential might be. Did this come from left field? Was this a genuine surprise?

Saskia Konynenburg: Well, we had already written, we did know that there was this kind


Saskia Konynenburg: of might be on the card. So with our sister councils, we had already written to, the treasurer to say, you know, what a challenge national insurance uplift or any, you know, additional taxes on the Charity sector would have and NCVO and in kivo, we're never quiet about how much the Charity sector is facing times of challenge at the moment and what support we need. I think we are still really positive that we can make progress with having a really good relationship with government. We have already built some really strong relationships and we're working on the covenant and that's a really exciting partnership. One of the key parts of the covenant, though, is building a strong and diverse and independent civil society. And, within that, we have to be able to challenge and drive sound decision making. So if we think that the government makes a decision that obviously impacts us negatively or causes some sort of further, challenge further down the line, then it's our kind of responsibility to raise that. So we're not campaigning to say the government is completely wrong. We totally see the need for investment. We are calling out for investment in public services. We totally see the need to invest in preventative work. But there is a challenge in that. Investing in preventative work will take a long time for the impact to be realised. And at the moment, we are dealing with communities in crisis. As I say, we're dealing with children who don't have beds in their rooms, families who don't have homes and are living in hotels, you know, children going about meals. it's like the situation is absolutely terrible. you kind of can't front load one way and then withhold the other end where the charities are trying to support those people. So I suppose we're, we're trying to outline that this is a really serious and really worrying situation through the letter.

Tim Beynon: you did also point out in there as well, of course that there was some good news that came out of the budget in terms of the fact that, the Chancellor laid out the government's commitment to increasing investment in local government, in send provision and in housing, which in the longer term should relieve some of the pressure on charities that have been, in the short term, plugging some of those gaps.

Saskia Konynenburg: the Treasurer has the most unenviable job, I think, in terms of how on earth we can get, Britain UK working again in the way it needs to. And there's so many challenges and we do fully recognise that investment in our communities is massively needed. Public services are on their knees. All of these kind of things, even the support around people and universal credit and carers allowance are all really, really beneficial. But that doesn't mean that at the same time we have to further put challenge on charities because it needs to be a partnership and things like public service investment. So, 600 million for, social care. That's absolutely fantastic. Will it flow through into charities? We really hope it will. you know, so many social care providers are charities, so we really hope that there's some, you know, on a knock on positive effect for that. But we also know that local authorities are in absolute financial turmoil as well. So, you know, this is a really, really difficult situation to try and navigate.

Tim Beynon: Yeah. And you, I remember last time you were on the show again, you talked about the importance of partnership and the importance of having, having a seat at the table to have those conversations. On the matter of national Insurance contributions, have you had any indication from the government at all that they are listening, that, that maybe you will be invited to take that seat at the table to have these conversations? Or is it still too early days perhaps for, that to have happened?

Saskia Konynenburg: So we have got a meeting in the diary with Steph Peacock, Charities, Minister, which has come off the back of, obviously she's seen our work on the National Insurance, challenge and she's asked for a meeting with us to really try and understand it more so that hopefully she will speak to the treasurer and then get those conversations moving. There's never any guarantees. It's not easy for the government to work out how to muddle through some of these challenges. They do need to tax organisations, they do need to tax people, they need to get money so that they can properly invest in this country. So we totally recognise all of that. We just think it's really important that we can outline what the knock on effect of that might be. So, you know, if you want to invest in, for example, public service delivery because you want to, I don't know, reduce something that's impacting the community and try and alleviate poverty, that's absolutely fine. But what about the Charity that is actually providing that crisis poverty work intervention now? What about the Charity that is running that food bank? If that gets withdrawn, then that's a lifeline withdrawn from the community. So you have to look at it in the full circle. So that's what we're going to hopefully, have that conversation with Stephanie Peacock this week and keep our fingers crossed that that message really goes right into the heart of government and drilling down.

Piers Townley: That message as well.

NCVO has launched an open letter urging charities to sign up

Saskia, it's a well worn phrase, but what does success look like from the letter? What is it ultimately that you want to achieve?

Saskia Konynenburg: We would hope that there's


Saskia Konynenburg: two things that we can achieve. The ultimate would be obviously for charities to be reimbursed for any margin insurance uplifts that they need to do. we deliver £17 billion worth of public services. So we know public services have been exempt from this. Is that something that could happen for charities as well? But there are charities that don't deliver public services that are also really filling gaps when there are gaps in public service delivery or things have been tightened too much. So we can't forget those charities as well. So I think the other thing that we would look at is just making the operating environment for charities better and easier. Looking at all sorts of our funding mechanisms. What levers can government pull to help with some of that? And all the things that NCVO and Akivo laid out in our manifesto around, you know, contract uplifts, fair, deals, philanthropy, all these things that we could, you know, really do with some help on, which would make charities less vulnerable when shakes like this happen. In the meantime, we'll be continuing our work on the Covenant, which we're consulting on at the moment, and really hope that charities will participate in that and say what they need from their relationship with government and, you know, really building that strong and diverse sector that, that can take shakes and knocks, you know, isn't it doesn't automatically mean that we lurch to. We're in complete crisis and we're probably going to have to close. Like what can make the charity sector and the voluntary sector really sustainable for the future and we would desperately want government's help with that.

Piers Townley: And where can charities go, Saskia, to get involved? Where can the call to action to sign the open letter? How can a charity doom go about that?

Saskia Konynenburg: So the open letter is on the NCVO website and there's a form so you can fill it straight in there and share it as well. Share the letter with your friends, your charity sector colleagues. Get as many, you know, organisations as possible aware of this situation. I imagine that, you know, there's probably quite a few charity leaders out there now completely panicked and worried and thinking how on earth are we going to do this? So as well as obviously signing the letter which is taking action, start preparing and thinking about what you might need to do come 1st of April. And obviously NCVO has a huge amount of resources that can help charities with that financial budget planning.

Tim Beynon: Fantastic. Saskia, thank you so much for joining us. I really appreciate you taking time out of your very busy day. Lots going on at the moment. So thank you so much for joining us and taking time to do so. We wish you all the very best of luck with it and would welcome you to come back onto the show and tell us how it goes in perhaps a few weeks time.

Saskia Konynenburg: Thank you, I'd love to.

Tim Beynon: Great to speak to South Gear and plenty for us to be thinking about there in terms of the budget and its implications for the sector, for every Charity if everyone listening, listening to the show. So while I think that might have pretty much taken up our regular news slot peers in which we usually talk about what's going on.

Kevin Donaghy has written a book called Stories of Cancer and Hope

we've also heard this week from Kevin Donaghy who got in touch to tell us about an inspirational book that he's written. So it's called Stories of Cancer and Hope and it's a collection of personal essays from people directly affected by cancer. It's born from the idea, of asking individuals to share their stories and what hope means or meant to them. the book offers an honest and inspirational look at different lived experiences of the disease spanning from the initial diagnosis to the profound impact of treatments on emotional and physical wellbeing. Something I know quite well personally as well, as well of course as its effects, on loved ones compiled by an extraordinary writer in Kevin. an amazing guy who himself is living with an incurable and life limiting melanoma diagnosis. Each storyteller in the book highlights the issues, emotions and reality of having or being affected by a wide range of cancers. Contributions come from all over the UK and feature some inspirational stories of everyday people. From the ultra marathon runner who urges people to live life to the fullest, and the nurse who supported her patients through treatment. To the partners, parents and siblings who remember the loved ones they've very sadly lost to the disease. The book has been created with the help of Kevin's friends and family. and Kevin is supporting through the sale of the book, Maggie's Cancer Charity, with at least one pound from the sale of each book being donated to help those living with cancer and their families. So it's an incredible book by an incredible author, which I'm more. Which we're both more than happy to shout about here on the show. and yeah, what do you think, Piers? Amazing guy and an amazing book.

Piers Townley: Yes, he is, Tim. You're an amazing guy.

Win a copy of Stories of Cancer and Hope

And the Brain Tumour Charity, we know Kevin, he features Nicola Nuttall in the book and she's talking about her incredible daughter, Laura Nuttall, who sadly died from a glioblastoma Brain Tumour last year aged just 23. But you know, Laura had achieved so much and was an incredible advocate and supporter of the Brain Tumour Charity and she was one of our young ambassadors as well. And she sh. She remains, her legacy, remains a shining light in the community, A huge legacy and sorely missed. And so thank you Kevin for featuring Laura's story and also featuring her mum, a lovely mum, Nicola, in the book.


Tim Beynon: Yeah, and thanks, thanks Kevin for getting in touch. And Kevin's also given us a copy of Stories of Cancer and Hope to give away, which is really, really kind of him. all you need to do, just head to the show notes and our various social channels for details of how you can enter the draw to win it. All we want to do is, is just pick a name out of the hat, simple as that. but all we ask in return really is if you are lucky enough to, to win the book, think, about honouring Kevin's wishes and maybe give a donation, give what you can to Maggie's candid Charity in return. I think that would be a nice touch. So you can find out that on the socials and in the show notes and you can find out more about the book itself at his website. The link to which we'd also put in the show notes, as well.

This week we take a closer look at challenge events with Tracey Anne-Breese

Piers Townley: this week we're going to take a closer look at challenge events and the incredible feats that fundraisers across the country routinely put themselves through. Whether it's climbing mountains, taking on triathlons or pogos sticking the length of the country. Our, guest in this episode knows a thing or two about challenge events, having taken part in a vast array of self over many years. Indeed, Tracy Ambries, is so passionate about challenge events that she set up her own business to ensure charities of all sizes are able to embrace the fundraising opportunities that can come from these challenge events. So, always up for challenge ourselves, Tim and I caught up with Tracy to find out how we can all push ourselves that little bit further and wage a huge amount more.

Tim Beynon: Hi, Tracy, thank you so much for joining us here on the Charity show. It's great to see you. Great to welcome you onto the show. We're going to be talking today about, challenge events, and how charities should be, running more challenge events and getting more involved in that side of fundraising. and also, of course, what you're doing to help them.

How do you define a challenge event?

but first of all, perhaps you should tell us how you define a challenge event. Are we talking about Everest climbs here, or are we talking about a gentle walk in the countryside? Are we talking about something in the middle? How do you define a challenge? Eventually?

Tracey Anne-Breese: I'm not sure you can, really, to be honest. Anything that gets the heart rate going, I guess, and puts you a little bit out of your comfort zone. So, I mean, I tend to think about, you know, walking, hiking, cycling, running, but then things like abseiling and. Yeah, you know, if you're up for Mount Everest, then that's fantastic. If a challenge for you is a mile down the road, you know, then that still applies.

Tim Beynon: Yeah, absolutely. We've seen that. We've seen a huge variety of different sort of those kind of challenge events. I mean, especially during lockdown, people seem to challenge themselves to all kinds of different, different things. It seemed to. They seem to take lockdown as a challenge to discover challenge, events of their own. So that's really interesting.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Well, it definitely got us all outside more, didn't it?

Tim Beynon: It did. As one. One positive to take from it. and I'm assuming because we're talking and because of, what I know you've. You've been up to in terms of, the, business you've been setting up, that challenge events have always been a really big part of your Life?

Tracey Anne-Breese: Well, not always, no. Since about, since for about 25 years. and something happened in my personal life and it made me realise I needed to get fitter and I wanted to raise money for a certain charity, et cetera. So, yeah, so I started, you know, with a 5k M jumped out of an aeroplane and it just kind of went from there, really. You know, half marathons and various other events. and I just realised how much I got out of them on a personal level. and the experiences that I was having as I wanted to share that then with other people.

Tim Beynon: Are you an adrenaline junkie?

Tracey Anne-Breese: it depends. Not, perhaps not so much now. I think I went through a phase, now. No, I try and keep it a little bit more realistic these days.

Piers Townley: I think that generally, generally happens as you get a bit older, doesn't it?

Tracey Anne-Breese: Yeah.

Piers Townley: I like the idea of some of these challenge events. The reality is very, very different. But at, the Brain Tuber Charger, we've seen so many. I mean we started off with marathons and it was tough mudders and then everyone wanted to do something more. So it was the ultras and then it snowed them by nightfall or then it's trekking up, you know, upside down in the dark with the blindfold on or whatever it is. So over the 20, 25 years, Tracy, you must have seen so many different and taken part in so many different events. It's a two part question really. What was the pick of those events? What's the standout one for you over those years? And has there ever been a challenge event that has kind of defeated you?

Tracey Anne-Breese: so people that know me will be sick of hearing about the nine mega marches because that is the one challenge that really, I said at the end of it, it's a four day event. it started off as a military, event 100 and something years ago. And you can now do four days. I did 50k a day for four days, to get a medal, which is, accredited by the Dutch royal family. I've got Dutch heritage. So when I saw this event I thought I really need to do it. I say it's a four day event. It was 50k day, so 200 days, 200 kilometres in total. And I said at the end of that event that my CV and all of the work experience,


Tracey Anne-Breese: this was back in 2009 that I did it, I was going to rip up because I'd learned more about myself during that four days than anything else had ever taught me.

Tim Beynon: M and what about the one that, as Pier said, is there, I mean, any that have defeated you? Any of you thrown in the town?

Tracey Anne-Breese: Oh, I mean, yeah, it was a 50k that I signed up for locally and I got. I wasn't prepared for it. I wasn't physically or mentally prepared for it. And I got to 16K and just went, I can't carry on. and so. Yeah, and so pulled out of that. I've done a 50k since then. Ah, just this weekend, just gone. Don't know what it was that, I wasn't feeling it that day, M. So, yeah, yeah, it just got the better of me.

Are there any key elements that make an event a success

Piers Townley: So, thinking about, your experience and the business, the new business that you set up, Tracy, and all the events that you've done over the years, are there any key elements of those kind of events? If there's a variety of them, are there key elements that have made a success? You know, is it the organisation, is it the support, is it the people that actually take part in it? And is there something that can go across any event, really, in terms of. That's what's made it a good event?

Tracey Anne-Breese: I think there's loads. To be honest, I don't think I could. I could tell you all of them now. I think a factor and what. When I was organising, because obviously I ran a business previously for 12 years, which was creating challenge events and working with loads of different charities to, put on events for their supporters. And what we always said was, you know, we can put every. We can plan these events to within an inch of their life, you know, put everything into them. But actually, you never really know what's going to happen until people start arriving and then it's the people that are taking part and, you know, their, enthusiasm, their motivation, their, positivity, you know, and that's all contributing to that event. But, yeah, obviously, you know, it needs to be well organised because people need to feel, I think I put a post out the other day and it said, you know, every. Every individual that signs up for your challenge event has put their trust in you. And that is a big deal because they, you know, they want to arrive and feel confident and safe. and, you know, that all then contributes to the positivity and whatever that they're bringing along.

Piers Townley: So I guess a lot of people, we have this a lot as well. So they've had a. They've had. They've met the Charity through a certain set of circumstances and one of these events might be the first time in their lives that they've done it. So obviously that trust has got to be paramount to them, hasn't it? Whereas you've got other people who, you know, run half marathons every other day or whatever, and they just want it to be well organised. So I guess it's just, as you say, it's just working out how each event works, really.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Yeah. And what each individual needs. And I know that's a lot for charities. you know, I used to like to say I'd like to hold each person's hand, whoever needed it, that had signed up for those events, because sometimes they just need that reassurance from somebody you know, and they'll phone. Phone you up and ask you questions. And those questions, you might assume that those questions have already been answered or you might have sent those answers out in an email or a Facebook post or whatever. But if they're not getting it, they're not getting it and they need that bit of extra support. And, yeah, like you say, if they've not done anything like that before, their motivation is to do it for that particular Charity that means an awful lot to them, you know, and you need to do what you can to make that successful for them so that they can go home with fantastic memories and know that they've been able to support that cause that means so much to them.

Tim Beynon: Tracy, can you tell us a little bit about. So tell us a bit about Challenge. Challenge, Challenge event experts. So your business, how did that come about? How did you go from being someone who takes part in Challenge events and clearly gets a huge amount from them, to someone who makes a career out of that and wants to help charities to optimise the, potential of Challenge events. How did you segue from one to the other?

Tracey Anne-Breese: well, I've always enjoyed event management. It's always something that I've kind of done. and I worked for a Charity back in 2000. That's when I first got involved in the Charity sector. And, you know, I was organising all different kinds of events. I left there to go and do a business, degree. Coming out of there thinking, actually, I think I'm almost unemployable because I've got all this generic experience from the Charity, you know, really wide reaching and then a business and. But I knew that I wanted to support charities that was. And particularly, you know, smaller charities. I knew that it had to be something to do with events and then. And I knew, obviously, that I enjoy taking part in Challenge events. And then I met my husband who was an outdoor person. He's now a mountain leader, expedition leader. And it was like, well, if I'm going to set up this business, then that's where I need to go. So it needs to be events, you know, outdoor challenge events that support charities. And that kind of ticked a lot of boxes then. But there's, you know, there was no courses on challenge event management I could do. There was no, nobody I really, I knew to ask. so


Tracey Anne-Breese: we just kind of, you know, learned as we went along. As I literally boots on the ground, I knew what I wanted to get out of a challenge event, you know, so I could put that into, creating events. and then we did that for 12 years. Obviously, Covid had a big thing to say about outdoor challenge events. and things changed as they do, and I thought, well, I've got all this experience now. There are still no particular courses on challenge event management. so actually I can provide a platform that gives all of that information. So it's m. A place where people that want to organise challenge events, fundraise through challenge events, have got somewhere to go to find the resources that they need, any training that they might need, support, mentoring, et cetera. And, so that's where how the platform came about, really.

Tim Beynon: Sure. So tell me about the business model then. How does it work for charities then? Are you essentially like an outsourced events team? If you like, then. So if Charity hasn't got a small Charity pass, doesn't have that in house capability, they can come to you and you can help them to get to grips with what they want to do. Is that how it works?

Tracey Anne-Breese: Yeah, I mean, yes, it can, you know, I'm quite happy to coach or actually, you know, provide hands on, support, but it's also so that charities can learn. And again, you know, it does apply to bigger charities, but they have got bigger teams and more resources. you know, the smaller charities that might not have a designated challenge event fundraiser, but their events fundraiser, you know, wants to look at, or just their fundraising team wants to look at challenge events. where can we go? What can we do? How do we go about it? What resource do? Right. What internal resources do we need? What external resources do we need? Where do we go to find the information, you know, and all that kind of thing. So, so one. Yeah, so one place where they can go. One person they can come to.

Piers Townley: One stop, a one stop shop.

Saskia Konynenburg: Yeah.

Tracey Anne-Breese: And there's a lot, you know, there's a lot that we'll just kind of Work, figure out together as we go along.

Piers Townley: so what, so do you think that's what some of the charities who maybe not contemplate, these sort of events, are doing wrong? Is it just that they're a bit, they just wouldn't, don't know where to start or what is it, what is the common mistakes you've sort of seen in other charities when they try to do these sort of events?

Tracey Anne-Breese: I think, I don't know if I'd want to call them mistakes, but sometimes it's just identifying the right opportunity. I think the important thing with challenge events, there are more and more challenge events being created. Some of them are charity owned, some of them are mass participation. You know, some of them are third party suppliers that are doing, you know, overseas treks and things like, and it's, you know, it's about finding the right event for your Charity and how that event is going to be created, managed. You know, it might be that as a small charity you're just going to take on one challenge event, it might be a mass participation event and get, you know, just, just doing that right, rather than try and do lots of different things and there's, you know, there's different ways you can go about it and it's going to be different for every charity. but I also want charities, you know, to think about creating their own events as well. Because with, with more and more challenge events being created, you got that you're going to need the aboriginal, you know, those events that stand out, are going to be important and those events that stand out for your charity. So if it's got a, you know, a twist to it that's actually specific to your Charity or your type of Charity, then, you know, that will all help. But that's, you know, that's a big, I know that's a big thing to take on.

Tim Beynon: I wanted to ask you about, about the whole, the whole accessibility issue around challenge events and something that's very important for us at the firefighter Charity. And I'm sure for a lot of charities that making sure that the things we offer to our supporters are accessible for as many people as possible. You've talked, you know, obviously personally, some of the challenges you've taken on, very physical challenges requiring a lot of fitness and you know, experience of that kind of thing, I could see how that puts a lot of people off the thought of potentially, you know, maybe this isn't for me because I don't have that Superhuman level of fitness. I've never taken on a 50 or 100 kilometre walk or run before, so I'm not even going to bother trying. I can see understand how a lot of people would think in that way. How can charities go about trying to make challenge events exciting, but also accessible?

Tracey Anne-Breese: I think that goes back to what I was saying about that, that twist to your Charity so know who your supporters are, what, what they need and incorporate that into, you know, the challenge events. it's difficult. A lot of the mass participation events will have, you know, accessible sections. I know, I mean one of my favourite events ever when we had our own business was facilitating a guy going


Tracey Anne-Breese: up Snowdon in the wheelchair with a team. I mean absolutely, you know, what I saw there, talking about teamwork was just absolutely incredible. we also had a three day event at the time which he asked if he could take part in and we were looking at how that could be, how we could make that happen, make some changes to the routes etc, and then Covid happened so, so that didn't happen unfortunately. But you know, again with events it's not always about, with for charities it's not always about the people taking part. Sometimes it's about your volunteer team and how they can get involved and what's stopping them, you know, getting involved in the event, as a volunteer supporting, you know, they might not be able to stand out and marshal on the same spot for four hours. So think about things like that.

Tim Beynon: How can charities also go about making sure that the costs of putting on a challenge event aren't prohibitive, especially for those smaller charities who might again might not even consider it because they assume that the costs are going to be too substantial.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Yeah, I mean that comes back to your business plan again, doesn't it? Your business case, your feasibility study, knowing what your capacity is, how many numbers, how many people, people you can have on the event, what the, at the entry fees might be, etc. Yeah, it's, you know, there's lots of things to consider. It would depend on and.

Tim Beynon: Sure. What would your advice be then? Perhaps for a Charity that's not put on a major challenge event before and is setting out their first challenge event that they're putting that sort of risk analysis together in terms of all the elements, and all the costs, all the insurance requirements and all the people requirements and things on the day and so on, what would your advice be to them? To not get freaked out by all that paperwork and administration and Due diligence that needs to be done to try and see the sort of bigger picture at the end of the day. How. What would your, what would their first step be? What would your advice be to them?

Tracey Anne-Breese: I think, I mean, for the first step, as far as I'm concerned, would be making sure the idea is feasible. So, so knowing that you are going to have a group of people that sign up to do that event, and then, and then break it down, you know, look at, I mean on the site there will be like, a draught event management plan that will have everything, all the headings in, so you've got all of your information in one place. and you know, involve other people. It's got to be about your team because that's where the best ideas are going to come for, from, for a start. but also, you know, share the workload. Yes, there is, there is a lot to go into it, but once you've done it once, then you'll know.

Tim Beynon: Is it worth also testing the waters with your supporters to see if they're likely to want to sign up in the first place? Because there's not, there's not much point putting a lot of work in if there's no appetite for it from them.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Yeah, I mean that, you know, to me that would all be part of the feasibility. Yeah, just study, just to talk to supporters, do some focus groups, get your volunteers in. You know, if you've got a group of regular supporters or if there's a, if there's a theme that people are talking to you about, I would quite like to do this. then, you know, bear that in mind when you're putting your ideas together.

Piers Townley: So this part of the show, Tracy, let us know how could charities get involved? This is a shout out. Where can people go then to find out more about, about the company.

Tracey Anne-Breese: So the website is challenge event that we're on. I'm on all over social media at the moment. I'm still testing what works best for me. so, yeah, Challenge Event experts, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok is a new one. just trying to find that.

Piers Townley: That's largely witchcraft though, isn't it? TikTok, let's be honest.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Well, I think it's all witchcraft. You know, I put a post on LinkedIn on a friend's post today and said, you know, I don't. I've yet to be convinced that anybody that use social media isn't winging it because it's so unpredictable. Yeah, and obviously LinkedIn. So challenge event experts on LinkedIn as well.

Tim Beynon: Excellent. We'll put all the links in the show notes Tracy, so people can find all the details there. Tracy. Thank you, everyone, for joining us. It's been fantastic to have you on the show. We wish you all the very best with, challenge event experts, and we'll keep in touch and we'll keep track of your travels.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Fantastic. Thank you.

Tim Beynon: Really fascinating stuff there from Tracy. Really interesting conversation about challenge events. But talking of challenges, what's your next challenge going to? Bp? Has you got anything in the pipeline?

Piers Townley: Well, the last couple of years of the Brainstorm of Charity, we've ran our Snowden at Night challenge. And I've always kind of watched and done some press work for it and some comms work for it and never actually taken place. And, it's such a beautiful part of the country and such a magical thing to do with some incredible people. So 2025, I'm hoping to get my name down for Snowden at Night. Can't think of anything better. So that's. That's on my radar for. For a time ahead next year.

Tim Beynon: I like the sound of that. I like the sound of that. I haven't got anything necessarily in the pipeline other than the fact that I definitely do want to do another marathon. I've done one, did London in 2019,


Tim Beynon: and I haven't done another marathon since. But it is on it, definitely. I could feel. Feel the urge building. I definitely need to do another marathon at some point. I'm massively not fit enough for it at this stage, but, you know, definitely on the horizon. I think at some point. Another marathon for me at the moment, though, it's a challenge just getting out of bed in the mornings. It's so sort of dark and miserable and wet out there. It's like, that's a big enough challenge for me at the moment.

Piers Townley: I'm, going to be disappointed and I'm sure others can join me in this if you don't want it in costume as well. So, you know, no pressure. Not quite sure what that will look like, but I think you've definitely got to up this. Up the ante this time. It's a costume on this one.

Tim Beynon: Might have to let the listeners decide, you know, what do I. What would I do it dressed as? That could be a terrible, terrible mistake.

Piers Townley: No, that would be down to a boating boat face situation. Don't. Yeah, you choose it. We'll support you.

Tim Beynon: Yeah, okay, fair enough.

Piers Townley: So, in the spirit of Challenge Events. Let's take a look at our set to Superstar this week, Tim, and see if we can pick out a couple of people who've taken on a remarkable challenge or two over recent weeks. And don't forget, you can nominate your deserving colleagues, volunteers or fundraisers for a shout out too. Just email or get in touch through the links in the show notes.

Group of Grey Dippers challenge themselves to go swimming in freezing cold waters

So give us your challenge at Superstar for the week, Tim.

Tim Beynon: Well, it's not a superstar. It's a group of superstars. This, this week that I've picked out. and this is for a challenge event that I definitely wouldn't do. They're called the Grey Dippers and they're fundraising for a food bank in North Ayrshire. Now this is a group of guys, who basically voluntarily take it upon themselves to go swimming in like Baltically cold waters, up in Ardrossan South Beach. so they, they challenge themselves to see how many dips they can do in the freezing cold, sea, in order to raise money for charity and to raise money for this food bank. and they seem like a pretty insane bunch of guys, but you know, good, good luck to them. they are aiming this year to hit 250 dips, so 250 times that go into the water and freeze and come back out again. M. And they've already completed more, than 10% of that challenge already. and they want to raise, as much as they possibly can, and hoping to get the whole thing finished by Boxing Day. And interestingly on Boxing days they're doing this challenge between the 1st of November and Boxing Day, basically. And they're hoping on Boxing Day. They've said on Boxing Day we will complete the journey with a family and friends dip. Everyone is invited to come along and get involved. Now if I was a friend or a member of their family, ah, there's absolutely no chance that they would persuade me to do that. So good luck to all those friends and family who are, who are thinking about that as well. But really good luck to the guys because that's a, that's a hell of a challenge. Me and cold water don't go very well together. I struggle to get into the swimming pool, let alone, let alone the ocean. but there you go. What about you, Peter? You do you like bit cold water or. No?

Piers Townley: No, I'm not at all. There's a nice bath that's sitting out there. That's Just yet been used in my garden. My son uses it. But now I'm not dipping in there and I can vouch for the water in the dross and I know it very, very well, I swear. Near where my mum and dad live. So I've been up that area as well. It's flipping cold up there, so that is amazing. something.

Tim Beynon: Good luck.

Piers Townley: Watch from my dry robe on the side of the. They look at the banks.

Tim Beynon: I'd watch from the pub around the corner. I don't think I'd go in even close.

Colin Farrell's marathon challenge

Piers Townley: Oh, my. Superstar. Superstar. In fact, a well known name and a well publicised. It was Colin Farrell, the, actor who had raised €774,000, which is £644,000 for Deborah Island. Now, Deborah's a Charity that supports people with a rare skin condition. E.B. i'm, desperately trying to get this right. Epidermoleus bulosa EB or butterfly skin, the condition is called. And huge apologies if I pronounce that wrong, please do correct me. But anyway, so for Deborah Island, Colin ran the marathon, but for the last four kilometres he pushed his long term friend, Emma Fogerty in her wheelchair. Now, Emma's 40 years old and she's lived with this condition all her life. So for the last kilometre, it was one kilometre for every decade of her life that Emma has lived with this disease. And Colin, who was also born in Dublin, said, I've known Emma for many years and she epitomises bravery. She is what courage and pure determination are, ah, all about. So an amazing angle, amazing thing to do during the marathon in itself, for an amazing charity over in Ireland, for Deborah. So massive shout out there, Superstars status to a superstar challenge. So that's it for episode 13. Huge thanks to Saskia and everyone at NCVO and Akivo for taking a stand in regard to the impact of increased national insurance contributions for the sector. And, thanks also to Tracy for inspiring us to think about our next challenge. Time to get training, hey, Tim.

Tim Beynon: Well, I don't know about that, but yeah, we'll see how it goes. Just had to find a challenge to look forward to first. and in terms of things to look forward to, we've got lots coming up over the next few episodes. We're going to be taking a look at philanthropy and working with major donors, which should be really interesting. We're


Tim Beynon: also going to meet some young Charity ambassadors, talk to them, find out what, what they do and why they do it, and we're going to be talking to a sporting legend who's about to trek across the Sahara, so you can find out how that who that is pretty soon.

Piers Townley: And don't forget, you can be part of the show too. Just send us your voice messages or get in touch through any of the links in the Show Notes to share your stories and tell us what you'd like like us to cover in every episode.

Tim Beynon: We also want to know who your superstar fundraisers, volunteers, or colleagues are too. So head to the Show Notes and share their brilliance with the rest of us.

Piers Townley: And in the meantime, please follow or subscribe to us on your usual podcast platform and leave us a review, both of which will help others to find the show.

Tim Beynon: So that's it for another episode. Thanks for listening, take care, and we'll see you soon.

Tracey Anne-Breese: Sa.


Episode 17 - Full Transcript

  LINKS TO ALL PODCAST PLATFORMS Coming up in Episode 17 Tim Beynon: Hello and welcome to the Charity show, the podcast for Charity Inside...